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Human Resource Management of organization - Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss about the Human Resource Management of the organization. Answer: Introduction Human Resource Management (HRM) is commonly known as a tool that is employed by the Human Resource (HR) department of an enterprise to enhance and increase employee performance under the strategic objectives of the employer. HR is generally concerned with managing people within an organization, with the primary focus on the organizations systems and policies (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). The HR department looks after the provisions such as employee-benefits, employee recruitment, performance appraisal, training and development, and rewarding (management of payments and employee benefit systems). A lot of factors work for the employment of the HRM activities directed at the organizations growth and employee satisfaction. NANDOS is a South-African organization recognized for its Mozambican/Portuguese restaurant concatenation and gives much value to the HRM activities. This paper offers an analysis of the various actions related to the HRM taken by NANDOS and examines them in light of th e various existing models. In the first section is analyzed the companys approach to its HRM. The second section of the paper provides a discussion on the selection and recruitment strategies of the HR department while making certain recommendations to improve the same. The third section offers a discussion on the companys approach to the human resource development (HRD) and makes suggestions for further improvements. The fourth section of the paper examines and analyzes different classical theories of employee motivation and combining these theories creates a hybrid theory that might have a practical value for the organization. The fifth section of the paper draws on existing relevant models to discuss the importance and features of effective leadership with respect to the organization. Discussion Analysis of the Companys Approach to its Human Resource Management There are various theories and models explaining the role that the HRM of an organization could adopt and implement. Among such models, the Nadler and Tushman model, the Ulrich model, the Perspective model, and the Kearns model are of utmost importance (Stredwick 2013). The Nadler and Tushman model provides relevant diagnosis of organizational behavior. It is stated that an organization depends on the workers either individually or collectively in order for getting their work done. Management of organizational behavior is therefore, crucial to management of tasks which involves an understanding of the individual, group as well as organizational behavior patterns as a whole (Marchington et al. 2016). The Nadler and Tushman model points out the important inputs, the crucial outputs and the transformation process that characterize the functioning of the organization. The model is based on how well components of an organization fit together. Figure 1: Nadler and Tushman ModelSource: [Created by Author] The various inputs of the model represent various outcomes and opportunities of the organization. Such inputs include environment that represents the external factors of the organization, resources or the assets that the organization can access and use to its advantage, the history of the organization that determines how its function is influenced by its past, and strategy that determines the process by which the organization matches the resources to the environment for satisfying demand. The outputs demonstrate what is produced by the organization, how the organization performs as well as how effectively it works. This is done by evaluation of the goal attainment of the organization and determining how well it is able to meet its objectives, utilization of resources and its adaptability (Larsen, Manning and Pedersen 2013). An organization is therefore the arrangement of individuals in a job structure that is systematic and is guided by systems, procedures and policies for accomplish ing some specific purpose. According to the Kearns model, HR strategy usually is more than just some HR procedures and policies. It helps businesses to take into consideration the total human implications of the business strategy and to make sure that the function of the human resources and the strategies of the business are homologous (Aswathappa 2013). The Ulrich model states that with the rising globalization, HR executives are constantly discovering themselves in territories that are unfamiliar and in order to cope with these changes they must show new competencies (Cascio 2014). According to Ulrich, there are four competencies: HR professionals should understand how their organization works especially the business strategies and other important aspects of the organization. HR professionals must work at enhancing and improving their skills continuously. With the rapidly changing norms and trends in the business world, HR professionals must adapt and influence others to work forward. HR professionals must demonstrate integrity, competency, confidentiality, accountability in their actions to earn the trust and respect of the people they lead. According to Whittingtons perspective on business strategy, strategy enables an organization to attain its organizational objectives and goals and to accomplish an advantage with the unique products and services the organization offers. Whittington demonstrates four ways of strategy formation aligned with strategy outcomes and processes. Organizations that adopt a classical approach usually practice a rational, clear and planned strategy formation process aiming at maximizing profits (Bamberger, Biron and Meshoulam 2014). Organizations adopting the evolutionary approach are placed in unpredictable environments. Such an approach has a different stance on profit maximization where the managers are unsure about the required level of optimum output. Finally, organizations adopting the systematic approach emphasizes on social and demographic factors such as the organizations national culture. Studies claim that NANDOS does not have any formal strategy for HR yet, though the key strategic elements are present. This lack in the HR strategy is a result of the contemporary history of the companys globalization. With respect to the function of the HR at NANDOS, the company applies the Kearns model approach where people are generally considered to be a competitive advantage. NANDOS understands that the dedicated people make the organization effective and increases their chances of profit. The HRM function at NANDOS has progressed from a traditional role to personnel management (Jamali, Dirani and Harwood 2015). The HRM at NANDOS faces pressure to be completely integrated with other organizational functions such as finance, production and marketing as well as to legally enable itself to ensure direct involvement of people to the attainment of strategic objectives of the business. It is stated that the HRM at NANDOS have created and implemented HR strategy of their own suitable f or their working environment. This is aligned with Ulrichs statement that one of the major roles that HRM needs to function in is that of a strategic partner. The HR system at NANDOS places its focus on the contribution of the employees, firm infrastructure as well as fulfill the roles involved in transformation and change and business organizational strategy. Thus, it can be stated that with respect to the role of the HR at NANDOS, the major focus is on the employee contribution. This means that the HR is concerned about the personal needs of the employees and works at enhancing employee commitment. The HR at NANDOS is also responsible for formulating new programs and policies to meet the personal requirements and benefits of the employees. Recruitment and Selection at NANDOS Recruitment and staffing is among the value added process of the HR. Recruitment deals with the organizations ability to find new employees in order for the organization to keep operating and for enhancing the human capital quality in the organization. The main focus of the process of recruitment is to find the best sources of recruitment and to employ the most talented and suitable people for the job in order to keep the organization running within the competitive job market (O'Meara and Petzall 2013). Figure 2: Recruitment and Selection ProcessSource: [Created by Author] The process of recruitment requires a complete description of the process. The recruiters must follow required process and help the candidates to go in the right direction. An organization can recruit both internally and externally (Zaharie and Osoian 2013). In order to recruit internally the organization seeks to fill in vacancies from within the companys existing workforce. External recruitment is done when the organization fills in vacancies from suitable applicants outside of the existing workforce. At NANDOS, employees are recruited both internally and externally through a quick pool of suitable applicants. The selection process is legal and technically sound. NANDOS is opening about 30 restaurants each year all over the United Kingdom and naturally require more employees with each passing year ( 2018). In order to maintain a balance between internal environment and external environment, the HR at NANDOS becomes accountable for finding employees within the existing workforce that are capable of being the manager or the managing director of the company (Ekwoaba, Ikeije and Ufoma 2015). The HR professionals also keep in mind that it is in fact the employees passion that results in the companys growth. Hence, the employee details are filed and recorded for further reference. The HR team at NANDOS encourage the candidates to contact the team of local management. The vacancies are usually seen to be obtainable at the level of the central support. NANDOS also has the provision for an online portal for recruitment where applicants are able to submit their curriculum vitae. NANDOS usually tends to give priority to the local people to achieve local popularity in the countries in which they have their branches (Bamberger, Biron and Meshoulam 2014). This is one of the major factors that has led to the companys success in the attainment of its goals. NANDOS has also become partners with organizations such as the Global Recruitment Resource, that enable searching for jobs online. This has enabled the organization to fill in vacancies that are not possible to be immediately filled in internally. People hired by the HR professionals of NANDOS fill in both part time as well as permanent job positions (Mupani 2016). In the legal context, NANDOS demonstrates its dedication for the policy of equal opportunities that ensures that the company will give equal importance to everybody. The company believes in diversity in employment as well recruiting people of different origin as well as beliefs. It is also made sure by the HR professionals that vacancy information is publicized and promoted appropriately so as to reach different communities. The recruitment process and the selection process at NANDOS is generally objective oriented and based on fair criteria (Bamberger, Biron and Meshoulam 2014). Recommendations for Improvements In order for effective recruitment, the HR department at NANDOS must follow certain guidelines. However, even though NANDOS has maintained quite a standard for effective recruitment, there are certain tools that the HR department can adopt in order to improve their recruitment as well as selection process. It is advised that NANDOS invest in and develop quality relationships with the placement offices at universities to attract a larger and collective pool of applicants. It is also advised that the HR department of the organization enable and encourage the current staff to engage actively in the professional associations of the industry and in conferences. Furthermore, it is suggested that the HR department of the company does appropriate promotion for the organization with provisions made for employee retention such as motivation, recognition, reward, flexibility and balance in work-life. In addition, it is recommended that the HR department engage the employees in their process of hiring. This can be done by allowing the employees to recommend suitable candidates to the firm. The employees can also be asked to review and rate the qualifications and resumes of other potential candidates. It is also advised that the HR department continuously revise their payment structures along with allowing better and additional bonus to motivate the employees and retain employee commitment. Finally, it is recommended that the HR department conduct ample background and references check before hiring a candidate in order to ensure better security for the firm as well as the employees. The Companys Approach to Human Resource Development Human Resource Development (HRD) is the tool that enables employees to develop their organizational and personal skills and abilities (Gold et al. 2013). HRD is a major opportunity that every employee seeks for it acts as a motivating factor and ensures employee retention. HRD usually include opportunities like training of employees, development of employee career, development and management of employee performance and other aspects required for organizational development (Alfes et al. 2013). At NANDOS, the employers understand that it is important for the employees to be well-trained in order for focusing on their current job as well as for bringing out the best in them. The HRM model of NANDOS is resource based and therefore provides ample learning possibilities that is work related and is helpful to the employees in developing learning strategies. NANDOS operate a development platform to ensure progression of the career paths by enabling the HR to allow the trainees and employees of the company to recognize their potential. The organization invests a large amount of time and money in the training of the employees which are usually executed in-house. It is customary that in the first three months the trainees will be engaged in learning the required skills for the job as well as essential skill management ( 2018). The trainees are supported and coached by the experienced and the best of the NANDOS and by other employees working for the companys Learning and De velopment Department. After the completion of the of the training of three months, the employees are invited for a workshop on self-development where they demonstrate plans for the future development of their skills. The following training is done and depends on the position for which the employee is hired. Human Resource Management (HRM) mostly focuses on organizing the people as well as the whole enterprise (Elnaga and Imran 2013). The HR plans usually involve marketing strategies and the business future (Shen and Benson 2016). The first step to planning is ensuring that the right count of people is placed appropriately in the right position (Mitchell, Obeidat and Bray 2013). NANDOS makes sure that the right person is placed in the proper job at the correct time. In doing so, it incorporates three practices including strategies based on anticipating personnel requirements, skills analyzing personnel supply and a system to match the requirements. Performance management of the employees is a key requirement to help them identify and acknowledge their potential. Performance management is an incessant process of communication between the employee and the employer. Such a process includes clarification of opportunities, setting objectives, identification of goals, provision of feedback and evaluation of results (Snell et al. 2015). The employee performance at NANDOS is determined by an appraisal of 360 degrees for highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. It also recognizes the areas that require development. NANDOS even conducts a survey among the staff for evaluating the effectiveness of its HRs performance. The surveys and the feedbacks are usually comprehensive as the responses are acquired from different perspectives and offers valuable input for the outcomes and behavior. Such a process has a tendency to be objectivity deprived. In order for avoiding such deficiency in objectivity, NANDOS has implemented t ools like maintenance of files recording critical incidents and Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS). The file recording critical incidents is a method in which the managers writes down the negative as well as the positive behaviors of the employees (Sheehan, Garavan and Carbery 2014). Such a file is usually in the documented format and comments on both the positive and negative aspects of the employee performance (Kehoe and Wright 2013). BARS is used to determine the HR professionals performance effectiveness. Recommendations for Improvement Human Resource Development (HRD) is an important and essential part of NANDOS HRM. However, there are certain scopes for improvement in this context. The HR at NANDOS can organize events like field trips to ensure a more creative and open mindset. It is also advised that NANDOS should conduct a weekly short-training session for the employees to help them enhance their skills. Events like group discussions and debates can be organized to build teamwork and increase self-education aimed at skill development. Such measures can increase learning scopes for the employees at NANDOS. It is also suggested that the HR at NANDOS start a policy to obtain weekly feedbacks from the employees in order to help them with the minor grievances and increase employee satisfaction. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for the company to implement a better and objective approach in obtaining feedbacks. The method of maintaining files for recording critical incidents is problematic as such a process can oft en be biased due to its individualistic nature. Also, for such a process it is necessary that a person at a higher position than the HR conduct the documentation. Again, for such a process to be successful the employees are required to be in close association with the HR professionals. Therefore, it is recommended that NANDOS develop tools that would ensure a better and more objective approach at obtaining feedbacks. Employee Motivation and its Scope at NANDOS Employee motivation, usually referred to as methods required to motivate employees, can be defined as the psychological force that demonstrates the way to which an employees behavior in an organization is directed as well as the employees effort and persistence level (Yusoff, Kian and Idris 2013). There are three main classical theories of employee motivation, namely Maslows hierarchy of needs theory, Herzbergs theory of two factors, and Theory X and Theory Y (Dobre 2013). Maslows hierarchy of needs theory of employee motivation consists of five tiers of human requirements, sometimes referred to as levels of hierarchy in a pyramid. According to Maslow, individuals are motivated to attain particular needs and some needs precede the others (Taormina and Gao 2013). The first two levels of Maslows hierarchy model demonstrate the basic human needs. The second two levels demonstrate the psychological needs of a human being. The third level of the pyramid shows ones needs for self-fulfillment. Figure 3: Maslows Hierarchy of NeedsSource: [Created by Author] The urgency and importance of these human needs differs. Physiological needs refer to the basic human needs for food, water, shelter, and clothing. Safety needs involve environmental, physical and emotional security. Social needs refer to the need for affection, care, love and belongingness. Esteem needs can be of two kinds internal and external. Internal needs include self-esteem, competence, self-confidence, freedom and achievement. External needs include power, status, recognition and appreciation. Self-actualization need involves the need for self-contentment and growth (Kaur 2013). Maslow classified the first two levels of needs as needs of lower-order that can be externally satisfied while the next three levels are classified as needs of higher order that can be internally satisfied by the individual (Jerome 2013). In order for the physiological needs to be satisfied the HR must provide appropriate payment to the employees that can ensure coverage of the basic needs of life. Keeping in mind the safety needs of the employees, HR professionals must ensure that the employees receive job security, hygienic environment as well as retirement benefits. The HR manager must also encourage teamwork as well as conduct social events to meet with an employees social needs. The management must recognize and appreciate an employees good work and reward for the same. With regard to the needs for self-actualization, the HR professionals must allot challenging tasks to the employees to ensure their skill enhancement and growth. According to Herzbergs two factor theory of employee motivation, there are two categories of job factors. The first are the hygiene factors that are necessary at a workplace but do not lead to long term positive satisfaction. However, non-existence of these factors may lead to dissatisfaction at the workplace. The hygiene factors at a workplace include appropriate and reasonable payment, fair and flexible company policies, healthcare and other employee benefits, safe and hygienic physical conditions, retention and familiarity of status of employees, good interpersonal relationships with colleagues, superiors as well as subordinates, and job and financial security. The other factor that Herzberg demonstrates are motivational factors that are fundamental requirements to ensure employee motivation. These include recognition and appreciation of employees, sense of accomplishment among employees, opportunities for promotion and growth for employees, accountability and responsibility of em ployees, allocation of challenging and interesting tasks for employees (Alshmemri, Shahwan and Maude 2017). Theory X and Theory Y was formulated by Douglas McGregor who suggested that employees have two different perspectives: negative referred to as Theory X and positive referred to as Theory Y (Russ 2013). Theory X holds that an ordinary employee who dislikes work strives at escaping it. such employees should be compelled, persuaded, warned and penalized to maintain organizational goals. Again, employees who give importance to job security have no ambition. Employees are also likely to dislike responsibilities and tend to resist change. Theory Y holds that employees might find their job normal and relaxing and might engage in physical and mental exercises. Dedicated employees might demonstrate good amount of self-control and self-direction. Employees tend to retain their loyalty to the organization if the job is satisfying and rewarding. An ordinary employee is capable of recognizing and carrying out their responsibilities. There must be complete utilization of an employees true potentia l and abilities. Recommended Hybrid Theory Combining the above mentioned theories of motivation, a hybrid theory of employee motivation can be formulated that might have some practical value for the HRM at NANDOS. The first and foremost aspect that must be looked into to ensure employee motivation at NANDOS is equal and reasonable pay. NANDOS must also create relaxing environment in the workplace and encourage its employees to participate and engage in various curricular activities within the workplace. The HRM at NANDOS must create appropriate opportunities for the employees to enhance and manage their skills. The managers must recognize the good work of the employees and appreciate them as well as warn and penalize them when they demonstrate reluctance in carrying out their responsibilities. However, the HR must ensure that the company policies and rules are clear, fair and flexible. The company must also offer employee benefits such as bonus, incentives, healthcare benefits and insurance, job security, post-retirement bene fits. Effective Leadership and its Characteristics Leadership is defined as the skill or ability to compel and persuade others to do their best and willingly demonstrate different behavior. It also involves developing a vision for future and motivating people (Antonakis and Day 2017). There are four reasons why HR professionals should have knowledge about leadership. First, they are the ones who exercise leadership in an organization in order to persuade others for doing things. Second, they are the ones who should be concerned about the growth of the leaders within an organization. Third, they are responsible for leading the function of their own at a higher level. Finally, they are the ones to conduct a leading change within the organization. There are a few theories generated for the purpose of explaining the concept of leadership. Each theory complement in one way or another and aims at rendering a comprehensive stance on the meaning and importance of effective leadership. The traits theory of leadership explains the meaning and concept of leadership with regards to the features or qualities that leaders possess. Leaders can be visionary, charismatic, authentic or transformational (Northouse 2015). As the leadership theories developed over the time, researchers began to address not only the qualities of a leader but also their role and function. Adair analyzed the functions of a leader and stated that a leaders role is to define clearly the tasks that are expect to be done by a group or individual, to ensure that the task and the purpose of the task is accomplished, and to retain effective relationships among themselves and the various group members as well as within the group. He also suggested that a leader need to co ver three areas: task needs, that is, getting a job done; individual needs meaning harmonizing individual needs with the task and group needs; and needs for group maintenance which means building team spirit (Dinh et al. 2014). Figure 4: Adairs Model of a Leaders FunctionsSource: [Created by Author] According to the trait theory, a good leader must be able to analyze and study situations in order to remove any existing ambiguity and to offer clarity. A good leader, instead of compartmentalizing things, must view them as whole. Good leaders possess a good sense of guidance and are motivated to attain excellence and organizational goals. Effective leaders know what they want to be done and how and are confident in what they do. They can take charge of adverse and critical situations and ensure that the members of the team accomplish their goals (Lussier and Achua 2015). They are good influencers and can be trusted completely. They are always aware of the weaknesses and strengths of their own as well of the team members. They are capable of encouraging and motivating the team members by rewarding and appreciating them. They can also show flexibility and strive to meet the personal needs and demands of the team members. Recommendations for Improving the Effective Leadership of the HR Professionals Bearing in mind the above mentioned characteristics of effective leadership, the HR professionals at NANDOS must take note of certain aspects to implement effective leadership in their objectives. They must recognize the individual weaknesses and strengths of the employees as well as address the preferences and perspectives of the employees. They must realize the best ways to motivate the employees and act accordingly. They must allow only the best and suitable tasks to the individual employees. They must also increase their flexibility in dealing with the company policies. They must determine as to what extent they must perform for the purpose of accomplishing targets and leveling up the standard of performance. They must also determine the ways they can provide appropriate guidance and support to improve employee performance. With regards to leading a team, the HR at NANDOS must understand the best ways to organize the team and understand their level of clarity on the tasks provide d to them. They must also determine the efficiency of the team members in accomplishing teamwork. They must take initiatives to resolve any dispute among team members. They must try to enhance and increase employee loyalty and dedication within the team. They must also try to determine the extent to which the team members are capable of managing the team themselves. They are the ones who must decide if the team members are suitable to take up any added responsibilities and also set the standards and monitor the performance. They must evaluate and analyze each team member and offer them high quality coaching to improve their performance. Conclusion In conclusion, it can be said that NANDOS contains the key elements required for successful operation of a HRM body. NANDOS demonstrates a Kearns model and Ulrich model approach in dealing with the HRM functions. The HRM body of NANDOS also has a very systematic method for recruitment though there are certain scopes for improvement. The HR department at NANDOS also prioritizes human resource development and has implemented employee skills enhancement training programs and bodies. The HRM at NANDOS take part essentially in employee motivation as well. Finally, the paper demonstrates the qualities of effective leaders in an organization and how NANDOS can implement them to ensure effective leadership in the organization. References Alfes, K., Shantz, A.D., Truss, C. and Soane, E.C., 2013. 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